SISU_LINE #1 ‘Dynamics of Theory and Practice’
- Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla
The Journal of Interior Architecture
Publisher Estonian Association of Interior Architects
Editor-in-Chief Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla
Editorial Board Edina Dufala-Pärn (EKA), Jüri Kermik (University of Brighton), Martin Melioranski (EKA), Triin Ojari (Museum of Estonian Architecture)
Proofreaders Tiiu Kokla (EST), Tuuli Köller (EST), Peeter Tammisto (ENG)
Translators Tuuli Köller (EST), Peeter Tammisto (ENG)
Graphic Design aku.co
Project Manager Kairi Rand, ESL
Printed by Iloprint
Contact tyyne.vaikla@artun.ee / info@esl.ee
SISU_LINE #1 is interior architecture research magazine based on Interior Architecture Symposion SISU 2014: Dynamics of Theory and Practice 11.-14.06.2014 Tallinn. The topics consists of: Design Research Paper (the article based on the lecture) that demonstrates development of interior architecture/interior design theory and practice through critique and synthesis, Visual Essay that presents project/research through visual media, where necessary include text, Design Studio situated within a pedagogical context.